Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Eagle's Claw

Eagle Claw Campground
Tok, Alaska

Wednesday night I left work early and headed to Tok to meet up with Beezer, Wheeldog, and whoever else happened to be there. Along the way I met up with hal0015 in Glenallen and we decided to head on up together. Turns out there were LOTS of other people on their way to Dawson City for the festivities. Around 11:30 we pulled in to Eagle's Claw Campground.

Eagle's Claw is run by a long time Harley couple who moved up from outside several years ago. They have day jobs, but they also run this campground targeted to Motorcycles with some cabins and a Tee Pee thrown in the mix. The price is right and if you want they'll even fire up the sauna for you!

After AKDuc helped me get my tent squared away. We had a few beers around the fire and eventually hit the hay in preparation for the Top of the World Hwy the next day.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Alive and Well

Haine's Highway., not too far from town.

Well, I made it back alive and pretty much well. I'm pretty tired so please excuse the lag time it will take to post the pictures to my SmugMug.

That picture above though is on the Haines Hwy. When i was working with my friend Josh in Juneau we were went to Haines for several (6-8) weeks so we could make a topographical map of the highway.

This waterfall was in that stretch. Josh being the crew chief made me climb up there, into the waterfall, so he could get some grade breaks he wanted. Anyway, it also makes a nice picture.

Here is a quick break down of the trip.

-Had a great time, met lots of cool people and made a few new friends.
-The Mounties did not arrest me.
-I saw 3 grizzly bears, two moose, lots of squirrels, one mouse, and something I couldn't identify but might have been a porcupine.
-I crossed US/Canada Border 4 times at 4 different locations

Pictures and stories will be posted soon.
Stand by.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dust to Dawson

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Things have been REALLY busy at work, and I'm trying to get everything together for the Dust to Dawson ride. I plan to leave Wed. afternoon and head to Tok, where I'll meet up with a couple other people. Thursday head to Dawson City Yukon with shenanigans when we get there. Then shenanigans and poker run all day Friday into Saturday morning. Saturday I'll be leaving for Skagway, AK. Sunday will start off with a ride on the Alaska Marine Highway Ferry to Haines, AK then back to Tok to spend the night once again. And Monday will be the home stretch back to Anchorage.

Over 1700 miles of two wheeled adventure packed in to five days!

I'll make sure to take lots of pictures and I'm sure I'll have some good stories when I get back.

Here is a link to my route on Google Maps
Dust to Dawson '08

And there is MORE great news.

I received my letter from the Alaska Dept. of Commerce informing me that I passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam!

This 8hr exam covered pretty much everything I was supposed to learn in college. This was not the first time I have taken it, but I'm glad to say I don't need to take it again. I have earned the right to take an even harder test in about three years to become a Professional Engineer.

I'm not going to worry about that for a while though.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

To Knobbie or not to Knobbie?

The KLR waiting to be Reshoed

In preperation for my trip to Dawson next week I dropped the KLR's front wheel off at Alaska Leather for a new tire. The old tire was wearing funny, and I'm not sure it was actually round!

I also installed a few other goodies last night and this evening. You may notice the tank guards wrapped around the Radiator shrouds just below the tank. Not only will they protect the radiator when I drop the bike, but I'm hoping it will be a good place to hang stuff. Like a dry bag with my tent in it.

One thing you can't see is the new K&N air filter. I always swore against them but a few people I know have used them with good results so I figured I'd give it a try. It will be easier to clean than my the stock foam filter, so maybe I'll get to it more often.

I also have some heated grips (thanks mom and dad :-D ) that need to go on before Saturday.

GlacierCraft is having the second annual Dust to Dawson tech day at his shop on Saturday. I plan to install my new chain and sprockets, and wire up the grips. I could do it here by myself, but sometimes its nice to have a little guidance too. Plus if I need a puller for the sprockets, or a tool to break the chain someone will have them handy.

I took the KLR for a test ride after the new front tire. Man it rolls a lot smoother with a round tire!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Aimee In Front of Eklutna Lake

Aimee came down to visit this weekend. Saturday, after a trip to the Abbey to find a chain and sprocket set for the KLR, we stopped at Thunderbird Falls and Eklutna Lake.

At the shore near the mouth of a small creek this little bit of gravel was sticking out of the water. The water was shallow so it was easy to find a way out. What Aimee didn't expect was the wet dog bounding through the water towards her.

I snapped this picture right before the dog stopped about 20 feet away, looked around, and then decided to run off in a completely different direction. There were a lot of dogs running around but they were all friendly. Even though nothing happened while we were there I did wonder if the bald eagles were eying up some of the smaller dogs for a snack.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Anyday is a Good Day

Hatcher Pass Forth of July Weekend '07

Here is the view looking down Hatcher Pass road towards Independence Mine. It was at the end of my three day 4th of July weekend. I had just come from Talkeenta where I had crashed at Ryan and Heidi's house the night after I finished riding the Denali Hwy.

Rain pretty much dominated my ride. Not wimpy light rain either. These were Big, Heavy drop moving sideways. This day was no different, except on my way back to Anchorage I decided to hang a left in Willow for my first trip over the pass.

Because of the fog visiblity was low but it was still neat peering off the edge of the road into a steep, green, fog covered slope below with no bottom in sight.

By the time I made to down the other side and into Palmer I was soaked. Dripping wet and cold, I decided to stop at McDonald's for a hamburger and a chance to warm up.

After I ordered the woman behind the counter casually said "Not a good day to be on a bike huh?" I replied with a big grin "It's always a good day to be on a bike!"

I must confess that I left a very large puddle on the seat of the booth were I was sitting. I hope nobody sat in it.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Somewhere in Midtown Saturday Afternoon

Saturday afternoon the KLR rolled over 10,o00 miles on the odometer. I was pretty excited as it only happens once!

This event didn't happen during an epic journey or breath taking adventure. It took place between running errands and getting ice cream.

I think its kind of appropriate that it happened during everyday activities. Not only is the KLR a way for me to travel and see this wonderful land, but its also what transports me to and from work, the grocery store, and Dairy Queen!

Its not easy all the time. You have to have the panniers on or a backpack to carry your groceries. When your late for work and its raining you need to take the extra two minutes to put the rain pants on. And, sometimes the helmet hair is with you for the whole day. But the days where you hit all the green lights, power through the corners and smell the great smells of summer make it all worth it.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Along the Glenn Hwy earlier this afternoon.

I think the sign says it all :-P