Eagle Claw Campground
Tok, Alaska
Tok, Alaska
Wednesday night I left work early and headed to Tok to meet up with Beezer, Wheeldog, and whoever else happened to be there. Along the way I met up with hal0015 in Glenallen and we decided to head on up together. Turns out there were LOTS of other people on their way to Dawson City for the festivities. Around 11:30 we pulled in to Eagle's Claw Campground.
Eagle's Claw is run by a long time Harley couple who moved up from outside several years ago. They have day jobs, but they also run this campground targeted to Motorcycles with some cabins and a Tee Pee thrown in the mix. The price is right and if you want they'll even fire up the sauna for you!
After AKDuc helped me get my tent squared away. We had a few beers around the fire and eventually hit the hay in preparation for the Top of the World Hwy the next day.