Sunday, April 6, 2008

April Ice Fishing

I was invited by some of my friends at work to go ice fishing this weekend. Not being one to pass up an Adventure I woke up at 4:45am Saturday morning so we could head up to Lake Louise and catch some fish.

The plan was to head out, unload our stuff at a lodge where we would be spending Saturday night, catch our limit, and head home Sunday morning. Eric was the only one to catch a fish, even though it was too small to keep. Everyone had a good time though and it was nice to spend a entire day outside.

When I picked up my one day fishing license the ladies at Fred Meyer made sure to tell me i was crazy and to be careful on the thin ice. It only takes two words to sum up the reason we were able to fish that day.

Power Auger

Here is Rich and Eric standing next to the trusty Eskimo auger looking down the hole.

This was taken just moments before.

If I had to guess the ice was a good 3 feet thick. Thank goodness for small two stroke engines.

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