Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Somewhere in Midtown Saturday Afternoon

Saturday afternoon the KLR rolled over 10,o00 miles on the odometer. I was pretty excited as it only happens once!

This event didn't happen during an epic journey or breath taking adventure. It took place between running errands and getting ice cream.

I think its kind of appropriate that it happened during everyday activities. Not only is the KLR a way for me to travel and see this wonderful land, but its also what transports me to and from work, the grocery store, and Dairy Queen!

Its not easy all the time. You have to have the panniers on or a backpack to carry your groceries. When your late for work and its raining you need to take the extra two minutes to put the rain pants on. And, sometimes the helmet hair is with you for the whole day. But the days where you hit all the green lights, power through the corners and smell the great smells of summer make it all worth it.


Aimee said...

very nice! You write better than a certain "writer" who has a blog. I think it's appropriate too.

Jen said...

Mmmm, Dairy Queen!

JimR said...

Any time you go to work on two wheels instead of four is a good day! 2 minutes late and helmet hair are perfectly acceptable...

You can take the same picture 100,000 miles from now!

Unknown said...

Yay for you!!! I'm waiting to take my picture of 1,000 miles *giggle* Should be soon now.

Brian D. said...


Life's more fun on two wheels! :D