Thursday, July 10, 2008


About 70 miles up the Dempster Hwy

The Friday of Dust to Dawson I decided to run up the Dempster hwy as far as half a tank would take me. Beezer and BeamerTwin took the same trip but left before me and passed me on their way out.

The Dempster Hwy goes north to Inuvik, which is way past the Arctic Circle.

This is where I decided to turn around and head back to Dawson City.

I was riding along and saw some thing glimmer in the sun. When I got closer I recognized the car, I'm pretty sure its a Saturn Ion. Anyway, it looks like they were booking along heading south when the missed a corner and flew off the road, rolled several times, and pretty much cracked up. Non of the doors were shut, the airbags went off, and it looks pretty wadded up in general.

I think the moral of the story is this...

I can find spare parts anywhere. Even in the Yukon.
Katie if you ever need anything for your car call me because I can find that again.

I wonder if Onstar would respond on the Dempster?

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