Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tolovana Hot Springs

Right to the airstrip, left to the hot springs

Last year I was invited to join a really fun group of people on their annual trip to the Tolovana Hot Springs. As could be expected it was a lot of fun so when the call came for the 2012 trip there was no way I would miss it.

The springs are located about 50 miles north of Fairbanks as the crow flies. If you don't have a crow, or an airplane, you can access the springs using an 11 mile trail that starts at mile 93 of the Elliot Highway. There are three cabins. All with wood stoves, propane lights, and propane ranges. The two big cabins have propane stoves. And new this year, was a small wind generator and battery bank powering 4 or 5 LED lights in the Main Cabin.

Both hot and warm water are piped in to three different tubs. Two of them are made from large, plastic, water tanks and one from wood. All three of them have great views, both day and night, and are an amazing way to enjoy a chilly Alaskan winter evening under the stars.

North of Fairbanks on the way to the trail head

I was very fortunate to enjoy this adventure, not only with new friends I made last year, but with old friends from college as well. A good time was had by all and I'm glad its starting to become an annual event for me. What a great way to celebrate the cold, dark, winter.

Stay tuned. Over this week and part of the next I'll post more pictures and share the story of our trip.

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