I was on my way from the Matanuska Glacier turnout when I passed the road I talked about on Feb. 3rd. The picture below shows the hill I rode to the top of. It looks small from the highway but it seems a lot bigger when your on top. Even thought the picture really doesn't do the color justice the grass on the valley floor was very red.
There were a lot of people picking blue berries. This person was nice enough to park the RV to block the road right before a washed out culvert. The highway is in the background there, and that ditch is about 15 feet deep (the picture was taken on my way back to the hwy). There would be a lot of pain involved if someone were to fall in. Luckily there was a side road that crossed the creek. Water crossings are always a lot of fun, except for that one big round rock that you need to avoid. Of course you need to look at it to avoid it, but if you do your sure to hit it. Go figure.
It must have been getting to be lunch time and after I hit the highway again it was a short scoot to the Eureka Lodge where I stopped for a Cheeseburger. I like to stop there because the service is always fast and friendly, the food is great, and you can get a bottomless cup of coffee for less than a dollar. Below you can see they are doing some sort of improvements. For some reason I believe they were winterizing for the upcoming snowmobile season.
This is looking out from the lodge. Notice the airplane. I believe there is a gravel strip right there near the highway.
With a cheeseburger and a couple cups of coffee in my belly I left the valley behind as I motored on to Glennallen. Before I got there I would ride through the heaviest rain I would encounter, huge drop of water. I almost pulled over to let it pass, but in a mile or two I would always ride out of it. That happened maybe 3 times in total, it was pretty cold too.
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