Speaking of Ride Reports. Most of the rides I did write up are on ADVrider.com with one or two at KLRforum.com. I have posted links to those reports on the right side of the page here. In fact if you look right over there --> you can probably see them right now. A lot of other riders/writers contribute to these forums. If you have a chance take a look at their stories. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
Enough of that, on to the story.
Like many of my rides this one started out wet. It was Labor Day weekend, the State Fair had just wound down, and I couldn't pass up what would probably be my last over night trip of the season. It wasn't raining very hard, kind of more like misting. However that was enough for me to stop and put my XtraTufs on. See my post on Feb. 5th.
The following picture was taken not far from where I stopped for the boot change. I was on the Old Glenn Hwy. That is the Knik river in the foreground. If you look close, there is a mountain obscured by low clouds in the background.
With the dryness of my feet insured I hung a right in Palmer and headed up the Glenn Hwy towards Glennallen. The weather seemed to stick to the lower elevations and things got a little nicer as I snaked my way up the Matanuska River Valley. Not too nice, but nice enough to stop for a rest at the Matanuska Glacier overlook.
You can see the glacier there in the background. There were a couple RV's in the parking lot and several cars. More people than I expected from the light traffic I had experienced. As I was leaving I noticed the colors had started to change. Like always the air got colder the higher I went, but this time things looked a lot more red.
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