Yep, it rained on and off on my way back. It wasn't all bad, and the scenery was just as good on the way out as it was on the way in. In my haste I managed to hit a big pot hole going about 55. The jarring I got from bottoming out the suspension reminded me that I should take it easy and live to ride another day.

I came around a corner nearing Chitna and saw this. Of course my picture doesn't do it justice but the intermittent rain and black clouds made for spectacular views that were constantly changing.

Just outside of Chitna headed towards Glennallen the low sun was shining through the lower clouds.

It was getting dark, and cold, by the time I made it to the Richardson Hwy. When the road took me up out of the valley I could see Mt. Sanford and Drum to my right. When a pullout presented itself I had to stop to get a picture.
Shortly after, I found myself at The Hub gas station in Glennallen where I saw a WAY over loaded KLR. So I went in to get something to eat and saw this guy in the below pictures. I think his name is Gabe, sorry if I got it wrong I'm terrible with names.

I struck up a conversation with him and I learned he was moving back to Oregon. It also turned out that we knew the same people in Talkeenta. He asked me if I knew of a free place to camp for the night, which was something I was looking for too. Lucky for us I knew a guy who was living at the airport.

This picture was taken the next morning. We stayed up late talking with our host who made us pancakes with fresh blueberries for breakfast. The coolest part about staying there was that we got to sleep in a room full of SuperCub parts.

That is a pretty sweet Helio Courier right there.

On the way back I ran up Lake Louise road. And found this spot over looking a glacier with a large lake at its terminus.
Then it was back to Anchorage. The trip had everything you'd expect on a good ride. Rain, scenic views, friendly campground owners, and friends of friends you meet at a gas station.