This is the visitors center. Right around the corner of the building is a Segway for disabled persons to use. Maybe its just me but I think thats weird.
A different angle of the main building. I missed the last tour of the year and had a little trouble understanding the map I was able to grab at the visitors center. I would like to make this trip a three day weekend this summer. Ride in one day, the the next day tour the mine, take a hike, hang out with the the locals and leave on day three.
I really liked the pirate flag under the Alaska state flag. Looking out over the river valley you can see that it was still raining in spots out there.
This is was I assume used to be part of an airplane. It was just hanging out next to a building in McCarthy. Hope everyone walked away from its last landing.
Another piece of art I saw in town. I didnt' know Studebaker made pickups. It looked like it was in really great condition for how old it must be.
I had planned on camping in McCarthy and heading back to Anchorage the next day. But for some reason I got all antsy and needed to get back on the road. So thats what I did. With that strange urgency in the back of my headed back towards Chitna along the pot holed road I had ridden in on.
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