When I rolled into town it was getting dark and I made a B-line to the first campground I saw. Turns out they were full but suggested I could check at the other one in town. When I got there they too were booked but I think the lady behind the counter took a little pity on me and allowed me to set up on a piece of grass that wasn't really a site. And to top it off she let me use the campgrounds spare tent. It was a self standing Eureka dome tent that was already set up behind the conex. It was really nice to use their tent because I wouldn't have to pack up a wet tent in the morning. She even shared some pizza that they had left over from dinner with me.
The next morning I took a little look around town and saw this display.
This is a pig used to clean out the Alaskan Oil Pipeline. I unfortunately didn't get any pictures of the pipeline terminal, but I need an excuse to go back anyway.
On my way out I took a left to check out the local glacier.
This would have been the best place for me to camp. It was a large open space, not too far from town, and quiet. The other thing about camping in town during the derby is that you get to hear all the fish stories ALL NIGHT LONG!!!
This young rider and her mom came over to say hi while I was looking at the glacier. I thought it would be cute to get a picture of her on the KLR. Turns out I was right. It looks to me like she's giving the "I'm #1" hand sign.
Enough of Valdez, my goal for the day was McCarthy and the Kennicott Mine.
A view of the road on the way out of town. For some reason I can't take a picture that isn't blurry down in that canyon. That is Bridal Falls in the background there.
On my way through Thompson Pass I found this primitive campground that I missed in the fog the day before. The weather was a little better this time, but not that much better.
The view from Thompson Pass. I've seen pictures, and on a clear day the pass is amazingly beautiful. Guess this is another reason to make the trip again.
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