This was my last ride of the season in mid October. There was snow on the KLR that morning and even with several layers the run up the Glenn Hwy was a little brisk.
I met up with two others from ADVRider in Palmer and we headed out to Sutton where there is a abandoned coal mine. We poked around some trails that were near Coyote Lake for a little bit then cruised up a wide haul road leading to the top of a hill. At one of the dead ends we could see this cut and thought it would be fun to go check it out.
I took up the rear and headed down. To the right looked like a neat place to go play around and maybe sling some mug. So off I went, reached a talus pile no problem, turned around, and figured I could splash through some of the shallow water on the way back.
Moments later I had a sinking feeling. When mud fell from the sky landing on the instrument cluster I let off the gas and realized I wasn't moving forward, which normally means you would fall over. When I looked down my feet were on the pegs and touching the ground at the same time, mean while my riding partners were laughing on dry land.
Long story short. We bummed a rope from a family nearby, and wrestled for an hour and a half to get the KLR out of that mud. It was half frozen, about knee deep, and had a death grip on the wheels. About a hour and a half later we got her out and on solid land. If I had been out there by myself the KLR would still be out there.
Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without you.
The Victorious Riders

Of course ten minutes later two quads with tow ropes and winches came by. If they had only been there and hour earlier frost bite could have been avoided. Oh well, I never plan to do that again anyway.
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